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Download images from the data portal

Images are not hosted on the portal itself, rather sourced from the CDN. Downloading an image to your computer is as simple as opening the image by clicking on the image link, and saving the image from your browser. Below are the steps in detail:

Bulk downloading images

We are exploring ways to make it easier to download many images in bulk. Until then, if you have a large amount of images that you would like download, please contact the respective collection curator to start a specialized request.

Open the occurrence associated with the image you want to download

All images are associated with an occurrence. For example, B000003 has three images associated with it. To open the details for an occurrence, click on the corresponding row to open the details panel.

Opening the occurrence panel for a record

Select the image you wish to download

Next, click on the image you wish to download. After clicking on the image, the occurrences panel will switch to the image view, and the image you clicked will be enlarged.

The images view of the occurrence panel

Select About. This will open up a table that lists three values

Type StillImage
Format image/jpeg

Click on the link listed in the Identifier row. This is the path to locate the image on the CDN. The image will open in the browser.

Save the image from the CDN

With the large image now open in your browser, Right Button mouse click and select "Save Image as" or Ctrl + S to save the image. This will open up your computer's file browser and ask where you would like to save the image.


If you have done the steps correctly, the image size should be around 600KB to 1.2MB. If the image size is lower than 100KB, it is likely that you have downloaded a smaller image size from another part of the system.

Open the occurrence associated with the image you want to download

All images are associated with an occurrence. For example, B000003 has three images associated with it. To open the details for an occurrence, click on the corresponding image to open the details panel.

Opening the occurrence panel for a record from gallery view

Open the details for the image you wish to download

Select About. This will open up a table that lists three values

Type StillImage
Format image/jpeg

Click on the link listed in the Identifier row. This is the path to locate the image on the CDN. The image will open in the browser.

Save the image from the CDN

With the large image now open in your browser, Right Button mouse click and select "Save Image as" or Ctrl + S to save the image. This will open up your computer's file browser and ask where you would like to save the image.


If you have done the steps correctly, the image size should be around 600KB to 1.2MB. If the image size is lower than 100KB, it is likely that you have downloaded a smaller image size from another part of the system.